
World Bank co-finances $170m loan for Bangladesh sanitation infrastructure

A $170m loan co-financed by the World Bank and the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank (AIID) will fund a sanitation project benefiting 1.5 million residents in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka.

The money will support government investments in sanitation infrastructure, which include sewer systems, sewage treatment, and a pilot scheme for hard-to-reach areas in the Pagla, a densely populated area of the city.

Funds will be used to build a secondary and third network, reconstruct pipes and build a wastewater treatment plant.

DJ Pandian, the AIIB’s vice president of investment operations, commented: “The AIIB is committed to ensuring that its projects improve quality of life for the most vulnerable communities. This project is expected to directly contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, which is to ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

“The experience of implementing this project will strengthen AIIB’s capacity to finance broad-based water supply and sanitation projects, which are in high demand in other areas of the region.”

Image: Dhaka (Meinzahn/Dreamstime)

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