7 May 2014
Two Turkish contractors have today been awarded a $4.4bn contract to deliver the Gold Line of Doha’s new metro. The deal is the largest ever awarded to a Turkish company outside its domestic market.
Yapı Merkezi and STFA will oversee the construction of more than 30km of tunnels and 13 stations on the line, which will run east to west across the Qatari capital.
Three other lines, and 87 additional stations, will complete the 216km network.
The competition for the Doha metro has been intense. As many as 700 companies are understood to have expressed interest in the work.
The qualification stage lasted for nearly a year, after which 18 joint enterprises consisting of 52 companies were allowed to bid for two packages out of five.

Doha’s metro will consist of four lines covering more than 200km. So far, only the red and the gold lines have been awarded
The shortlist for the work is understood to have included:
Impregilo of Italy and SK of Korea;
Hochtief and the Greek and Palestinian contractor CCC;
Dutch contractor BAM, Sixco of Belgium and Midmac of Qatar.
According to Turkish newspaper, Daily Sabah, the final decision was between Yapı Merkezi and STFA and the consortium led by Hochtief.
A consortium led by the Spanish contractor FCC won a $700m contract to build the metro’s red line in March. That consortium comprised Archirodon of Greece, Yüksel of Turkey and Petroserv of Qatar. That line is scheduled to be completed in August 2018.
Qatar Rail says About $200bn of projects are under construction or planned in Qatar, all to be completed before the 2022 World Cup.