
Tokyo mandates solar panels on new buildings from April

An aerial image of the sun rising over Tokyo (Tawatchai Prakobkit/Dreamstime)
Tokyo’s government has ruled that beginning in April, detached new-builds above a certain size should be fitted with photovoltaic panels and thermal insulation.

This rule will apply to about 50 housing companies that build more than 20,000 sq m a year. Buildings with roofs smaller than 20 sq m will be exempt, as will existing buildings and those with lighting or ventilation issues.

Tokyo’s metropolitan government predicts that the cost of adding photovoltaics will be recouped within six years.

It added that it would name and shame companies if they did not adhere to the standard.

There are concerns about how the ruling will affect the industry, given its increasing number of bankruptcies.

The system was passed by the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly in April 2022, and has been followed by a two-year preparation and awareness period.

The city aims to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050.

Kyoto made solar panels mandatory for new buildings with a floor area of 300 sq m in 2022.

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