News JV completes first phase of Riga’s new railway bridge for Rail Baltica The “Bererix” joint venture of Belgium’s Besix and Latvia’s Rere Buve has finished the first phase of a new railway bridge over the Daugava River in Riga, Latvia. The bridge…
News EU gives troubled Rail Baltica programme extra €1.2bn The EU’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) has signed two agreements worth €1.4bn in an effort to speed up completion of the Rail Baltica project. Of this amount, €1.2bn will be…
News Baltics and Poland ask EU to help pay for fortifications against Russia Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland have asked the EU to help them pay for new fortifications along their borders with Russia and its ally, Belarus. The defence ministers of the…
News Rail Baltica in deep trouble as costs quadruple to €19bn, auditors warn The planned Rail Baltica high-speed rail corridor connecting Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to Poland and the European rail network could end up costing €19bn more than planned, state auditors in the three countries warned on Wednesday.
News Work starts on Latvian leg of high-speed Rail Baltica The ERB Rail joint venture officially started work on the €3.7bn, 220km Latvian leg of the Rail Baltica high-speed railway this week. Rail Baltica is an 870km railway linking the…
News Zaha Hadid Architects wins design competition for Latvian cruise terminal A team comprising Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA), consulting engineer Sweco Finland and Latvia’s Sarma Norde Architects and Alps Landscape Architects have won a competition to design a cruise and ferry…
News Eiffage-led consortium chosen to lay 230km of Rail Baltica track in Latvia A team made up of Eiffage, Ferrovial subsidiary Budimex and Rizzani de Eccher has won a civil engineering contract to construct a 230km stretch of the Rail Baltica high-speed line…
News Samsung teams up with Latvian firm to develop factories making modular building parts South Korea’s Samsung C&T has partnered with Latvian manufacturer Forta Pro to develop factories making prefabricated building parts. Forta Pro has two factories employing 400 people in the cities of…