News Delays and uncertainties cast doubt on France’s six-reactor plan France’s plan to secure the future of its energy sector by building six nuclear reactors beginning in 2027 have been thrown into doubt by a report from the Cour des…
News France contemplates interest-free loan to get six-reactor plan moving France is planning to make an interest-free loan to utility EDF to overcome funding problems with its nuclear development plans, the Reuters news agency reports. The aim is to build…
News Serbia moves to create a nuclear power industry Five Serbian ministries and 20 companies and universities have signed a memorandum of understanding to begin work on a civil nuclear power programme. Prime Minister Milos Vucevic said at a…
News EDF to build up to 1.5 reactors a year in the 2030s French nuclear operator EDF aims to build nuclear reactors at a rate of up to 1.5 a year over the 2030s, its chief executive said. Luc Rémont made the comment…
News Solar farm to power water treatment at Amaala resort in Saudi Arabia Red Sea Global (RSG) has signed a 25-year concession agreement with French utility EDF and UAE green energy supplier Masdar on a solar-powered water treatment system for the 3,800-sq-km Amaala luxury tourist project in northwest Saudi Arabia.