Norwegian architect Snøhetta has won a design competition for a cultural centre in Düsseldorf, complete with an opera house, public garden, hotel, office spaces and flats.
Working on behalf of Centrum Group, Snøhetta’s Duett Düsseldorf will link Hofgarten park, the Rhine and Königsallee street.

The opera house will be built on the site of Düsseldorf’s existing venue, with 1,350 sq m expansion to the north and 1,455 sq m expansion to the east.
A landscaped urban forest will connect Hofgarten park to the opera house’s entrance.

A 16m-tall transparent glass façade with a sculptural wood wall in the foyer aims to blur the boundaries between inside and out.
The café will offer visitors views of the choir and orchestra rehearsal rooms and a 6,000 sq m public roof garden gives views of the city and park.

Two towers arranged in a V shape are designed to reduce shading of the surrounding park and neighbourhood and will contain a hotel, apartments and office space.
Images courtesy of Snøhetta/MIR