Italian contractor Salini Impregilo has won two contracts worth a total of €612m in Norway and USA.
Salini Impregilo’s first Norwegian contract is worth €388m and involves a civil works on a 13.6km rail line upgrade between the towns of Nykirke and Barkaker south of Oslo.
Salini Impregilo will work as part of a joint venture with fellow Italian firm Impresa Pizzarotti & C for state-owned rail firm Bane NOR. Salini Impregilo has a 51% stake in the joint venture.
The team will design and build a double-track line, including two bridges, three tunnels and a station near the town of Skoppum.
Construction is part of the Vestfold Line, aiming to reduce the travel time between Oslo and Tønsberg to an hour.
Work on the project is due to be completed by 2022.
Salini Impregilo says it is expanding into countries like Norway as to offset higher risk markets like Australia and the US.

Lake Washington Ship Canal (US Army Corps of Engineers/Public Domain)
Salini Impregilo’s US subsidiary Lane Construction has won a €224m to build a water storage tunnel for Lake Washington Ship Canal, near Seattle.
The firm’s 4.2km tunnel will keep 75 million gallons of polluted stormwater and sewage a year out of the canal, as well as out of Salmon Bay and Lake Union.
Salini Impregilo says in a press release that the polluted water can spill into bodies of water following heavy rains and can make people sick, and harm wildlife and habitat.
Work on the project will begin October 2019 and is due to be completed in 2022.
Top image: Nykirke (Wikimedia Commons/Trond Strandsberg/CC BY-SA 3.0)Â