
Proposals sought for affordable housing development on former Staten Island naval base

The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) is looking to recruit a development team for a 100% affordable housing project on Staten Island’s north shore.

The New Stapleton Waterfront District will be sited on a 35-acre former navel base. The plan it to create a neighbourhood with open space along the waterfront, a public school, and retail and community areas.

The site is located between Staten Island’s St George Ferry Terminal and the Verrazzano Bridge along the Staten Island Railway. The 108,000 sq ft project is located on a partially built 1980s base that was abandoned when the Soviet Union collapsed.

Louise Carroll, HPD commissioner, said: “Creating new affordable housing in neighbourhoods like Stapleton that have been hit hard by Covid-19 will be an important part of the city’s recovery.

“As a part of the Bay Street Corridor Neighbourhood Plan, we worked hand-in-hand with residents and Economic Development Corporation to envision new, high quality affordable housing alongside improvements to green space and important neighbourhood amenities.”

Developers are sought for the design, financing, construction and operation of affordable housing and community amenities.

The deadline for submissions is 23 March. More information on the project is available here.

Image: Staten Island’s northern shore (Alpegor/Dreamstime)

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