A team led by Parsons has launched a plan to cut the amount of time motorists waste at red lights.
The “Transforming Intersections” initiative will use data to automate traffic light patterns, and allow smart vehicles to connect with traffic signals.
Traffic signal owners will be able to allow emergency vehicles to pass or extend green light windows for those crossing the street.
Parsons will work with Amazon Web Services, Verizon and CoMotion on the project.
Parsons’ notes that Transforming Intersections could reduce driving’s carbon footprint by cutting fuel consumption by 20%, and also increase road safety.
Chuck Harrington, Parsons’ chairman, said: “Every year people spend more than a week and a half of their life sitting at red traffic lights.
“By changing intersections through our Transforming Intersections challenge, we will not only revolutionise how cities move, but we’ll provide people with some of their valuable time back to do things other than sit at a traffic light.
“Our goal is to give cities the opportunity to increase their mobility, reduce their carbon footprint through reduced idling of vehicles, and keep their city moving.”
Andrew Liu, Parsons’ Smart Cities senior vice president, said: “Starting today, cities and counties in the United States, Canada, and beyond can apply to collaborate with us to use new mobility technologies to address the challenges their transportation networks face every day.
“The winner of the smart cities challenge will receive a free 1-year trial of the Parsons Intelligent Intersections solution for their transportation corridor.”
Image: A traffic jam in Beijing, China (Linqong/Dreamstime)
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This is a wonderful initiative which must ultimately be the worldwide gold standard for traffic light intel. Not only will it save hours of unnecessary time wasting and pollution but it will inevitably be expanded to include “red light crash avoidance” saving untold numbers of injuries and fatalities.
Well done Parsons and all who contributed to this spectacular development.