
Domino’s pave the way for perfect pizza

Pizza firm Domino’s has begun paving roads in North America in an effort to deliver perfect pizzas to its customers.

The company said: “Potholes, cracks, and bumps in the road can cause irreversible damage to your pizza during the drive from Domino’s. We can’t stand by and let your cheese slide to one side, your toppings get un-topped, or your boxes get flipped. So, we’re helping to pave in towns across the country to save your good pizza from these bad roads.”

Image courtesy of Domino’s

So far, Domino’s has fixed:

  • 40 potholes and 10 roads in Milford, Delaware
  • Eight potholes and three roads in Bartonville, Texas
  • Five potholes and one road in Burbank, California
  • 150 sq yards of road in Athens, Georgia.

Stephen Bailey, the program development coordinator in Athens, Georgia say that Domino’s entered into a public-private partnership for the project.

Image from Youtube

Eric Norenberg, Milford, Delaware city manager, said: “This is an opportunity to get additional money to stretch our city’s limited resources. We appreciated the extra Paving for Pizza funds to stretch our street repair budget.”

If you are in North America, you can nominate your town to receive funding from Domino’s to fix uneven roads – one way America may meet its $163bn infrastructure deficit.

Image from Youtube

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  1. Need to do the same here in Northern Ireland. It’s a mess here.

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