
New York firm claims to have created world’s largest 3D-printed home

New York firm S-Squared 3D Printers (SQ3D) says it has created a 500 sq ft home, which is says is the world’s largest 3D printed residence.

The company used an “autonomous robotic construction system”, or ARCS, which allows multiple machines to work together with little to no human interaction.

SQ3D says in a press release that the use of ARCS reduces costs by 70%, is 30 times faster than traditional construction, and that the robots use a similar amount of power to a hair dryer.

In future, the firm plans to tackle projects totaling up to 1 million sq ft, and to add customisable elements for the buyer.

Images courtesy of SQ3D/ARCS

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  1. All that technology and look what is built: a box with a cheap Carolina front door and a window on each side. Much better examples of 3D printed buildings exist.

  2. Obviously we still have a long way to go, before this appeals as an alternative to BAU

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