
Nagpur to get new $1.4bn metro line to ease congestion

India’s cabinet has given the nod to plans for a new 38km metro line in Nagpur, Maharashtra state. 

The new line will be built along two corridors: a north-south route measuring 19.65km and a 18.55km line running east to west. 

The line is expected to ease traffic congestion in the region and create better connectivity to the city’s schools and special economic zone. 

The development will cost $1.4bn with equal funding coming from the state and central government. The centre will provide $256.7m as equity and subordinate debt. 

The Nagpur Metro Rail Corporation has been set up for the development, which will be owned 50:50 by the governments of Maharashtra and India. 

Nagpur City is the third largest city in Maharashtra and the 13th largest in India. It has a population of 2.5m. 

Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister, said “Nagpur has to become the economic growth centre for the Vidarbha region and hence the Metro project is being unveiled here.” 

The project is due to be completed by March 2018.

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