
Melbourne to host “living transport lab” for connected vehicles

Canadian consultancy WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff has partnered with the University of Melbourne as well as government and industry partners around the globe to deliver what it says is the world’s first “living transport lab”.

Located at the fringe of Melbourne’s central business district, the connected transport laboratory is capable of testing and implementing emerging technologies at a large scale in complex urban environments.

The project will connect data from vehicles, bicycles, transport infrastructure and more to prevent traffic jams and crashes, and cut travel times and carbon emissions.

The team will focus on the development of a national connected multimodal transport (NCMT) test bed.

This will focus on a series of connected vehicles, roadways, city logistics, public transportation, pedestrians and cyclists.

The test area includes 7km of roadways and is bounded by Alexandra Parade to the north, Victoria Street to the south, Hoddle Street to the east and Lygon Street to the west.

Tim Gosbell, Victorian client director for transport at WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, said: “Our integrated transport aystems (ITS) team is working closely with our partners to develop the test bed, to integrate emerging technologies that will that will help to reduce congestion, improve livability and deliver more sustainable transport outcomes for the local community.”

Scott Benjamin, technical executive at WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff, noted that the test bed technology would serve as a foundation for innovation for ITS and smart cities.

“The collaboration across the government and a range of private organisations has been a very positive experience, we look forward to delivering more meaningful user-centric outcomes for communities.”

Image via WSP Parsons Brinckerhoff

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