
Latest Airbus uses more than 1,000 3D printed parts

The use of 3D printing in lightweight high-stress engineering roles has taken a step forward with its employment on Airbus’ latest passenger jet.

The 350 XWB twin-engine jet, which entered service with Qatar Airways in January, contains more than 1,000 components made using 3D printing technology.  

Stratasys, the company that manufactured the parts, said the technique reduced production time and costs, and helped Airbus to meet its delivery deadlines.  

Dan Yalon, vice president of Stratasys, said: “We’re delighted that Stratasys additive manufacturing solutions are being adopted by Airbus for its flagship A350 XWB aircraft.  

“Both companies share a vision of applying innovative technologies to design and manufacturing to create game-changing benefits.”

An Airbus 350 XWB (Stratasys)

James Woodcock, an expert on 3D printing with Rapid News, said: “From what I can gather it’s certainly unprecedented in scale. 

“Historically, the use of 3D printed parts have been in military aircraft rather than commercial passenger jets.” 

Stratasys is also contributing to a rocket due to launch next year.

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