Heidelberg council has approved the development of a 100ha settlement in Heidelberg, southwest Germany.
Patrick-Henry-Village (PHV) was a former US Army housing area, created after the Second World War and closed in 2002.
A masterplan for PHV by Rotterdam-based architect KCAP, commissioned by Heidelberg’s International Building Exhibition, contains residences for 10,000 inhabitants and jobs for 5,000 employees.

The masterplan aims to create a village with a focus on “sustainability, multi-mobility and digitalisation”, according to KCAP.
PHV will be divided into five types of neighbourhood, which will mainly be pedestrian-friendly and parking-free, and new structures will be built among the existing housing.
A former ring road will be used as a traffic area and park, and a small lake will help local water management and improve the climate.

Anouk Kuitenbrouwer, a partner in KCAP, said: “In addition to the design of innovative building typologies, open space solutions and technical infrastructures, the dynamic masterplan deals with implementation strategies, operator models and governance processes.
“The aim was to design a toolbox of instruments for the development of a future-oriented urban district.”
Images courtesy of KCAP