
Greece teams up with BRE for sustainable building push

Despite a stagnant property market in Greece, British construction research body BRE has teamed up with Greece’s new Sustainable Building Council (SBC) to push for greener building in the Mediterranean country.

The two groups announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding on 1 December with the aim of promoting BRE’s sustainable building standard, BREEAM, in a country where sustainability has been low on the agenda.

“The property market in Greece is stagnant with no new developments or refurbishments being started,” said Pantelis Levantis, President of SBC Greece. “Whilst many look at this and cannot see a way forward, we believe that this presents us with a great opportunity for change.”

He added: “We should be looking forward and embracing new thinking and creative ideas. We need to establish a culture of sustainability and encourage the appropriate behaviour from the various stakeholders in the built environment in Greece.”

The collaboration will see BRE and SBC Greece share knowledge, best practice and undertake research projects.

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