
“Brotherhood tunnel” agreed between Jakarta’s main mosque and cathedral

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has agreed to the construction of a tunnel that would link Jakarta’s vast Istiqlal Mosque and the city’s most important Christian church, Jakarta Cathedral, which is situated across the road from it.

“There was a suggestion to build a tunnel from Istiqlal Mosque to the cathedral and I have agreed. It will be a tunnel of brotherhood,” Jokowi said Friday after reviewing progress on the $34m renovation of the mosque, reports Jakarta Post.

According to the Post, the mosque and the church are praised for their cooperative relationship, with administrators of each providing parking for each other’s congregations during their respective religious celebrations.

Carried out by Indonesia’s Public Works and Housing Ministry, the renovation of the mosque, an important city focal point and heritage site, began in May 2019.

Jokowi said the renovation would be biggest made to the mosque in 41 years.

It includes two stories of underground parking.

Jokowi said he hoped the project would be finished in April, before Ramadan.

Image: Jakarta’s Istiqlal Mosque, with Jakarta Cathedral across the street (Dohduhdah/Public domain)

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