
Australia’s master builders team with insurers for strengthened homes

The Australian Master Builders Association (MBA) has partnered with the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) in a bid to strengthen buildings against natural disasters.

The team will host a series of discussions called the “Building Stronger Homes Roundtable”, aiming to deliver national policies that improve property resilience, building standards and planning.

The talks will use information from the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, which recommends creating a national body, as well as better building standards and land-use planning, in protecting properties and communities from natural disasters.

Andrew Hall, chief executive, said: “Australians’ homes are their greatest financial asset. The royal commission has identified clear priorities that can reduce the risks to homes. Whatever efforts we can take to reduce vulnerability and reduce the risk of loss must be a priority for industry and Australian governments.”

Denita Wawn, MBA chief executive, said: “The building and insurance sectors are committed to exploring practical and effective ways to deliver better building quality outcomes that enable industry to deliver more resilient buildings and give consumers confidence.   

“This includes keeping premiums at a sustainable and affordable level for consumers and the building and construction supply chain.”

The first roundtable will take place on 26 November in Canberra.

A final report on the roundtables is due be released in mid-2021.

Image: A wildfire in Australia (Roger Rosentreter/Dreamstime)

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