UK consulting engineer Arup has been selected by Ireland’s Department of Transport and Northern Ireland’s Department for Infrastructure to carry out a review of the rail network across the island of Ireland.
Arup will act as technical consultant on plans to connect cities, regions and the northwest counties over the next 20 years, and will carry out a feasibility study into higher speeds and devise a strategy for freight transport.
The All Island Strategic Rail Review will also consider ways to decarbonise the network to meet the criteria for the European Green Deal and the UK’s 2050 Net Zero commitment.
Peter Adams, a director of Arup, said: “Adopting a people-first approach, our focus will be on considering decarbonising rail across the island, enhancing regional connectivity and future-proofing inter-urban rail connectivity alongside value for money.
“Our multidisciplinary team will analyse the existing transport network and policies, including opportunities for freight enhancement, to develop an evidence-based whole-island strategy that puts rail front and centre in achieving our climate commitments. ”
Image: A train in Galway (Mark Gusev/Dreamstime)