Three British firms – Arup, Gleeds and Mace – have won a contract to help Peru rebuild schools and hospitals damaged in the El Niño storms of 2017.
The three form the UK Delivery Team (UKDT), and are part of a government-to-government agreement signed by Peru and the UK.
UKDT will work on behalf of the Department for International Trade alongside Peru’s Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC) to build or renovate 74 schools and 15 health centres. It will also create management plans for flood mitigation in 19 river basins, five gullies as well as designing seven urban drainage systems.
Stuart Senior, a member of Gleeds’ supervisory board, said: “We will be working hand-in-hand with the Peruvian government to help future-proof northern Peru from the impact of flooding in the years to come.
“Through intelligent risk analysis, cost planning and modelling, and our in-depth understanding of routes to procurement, this programme will mark the beginning of a lasting relationship between UKDT and our strategic network in the UK with local partners and communities in Peru.”
Amalia Moreno Vizcardo, ARCC’s executive director, said: “The synergy of knowledge between the UK and Peru will make it possible for major reconstruction projects to become a reality and for Peruvians to access quality services and be protected against an eventual natural disaster. Â
“We are convinced that the signing of this agreement and its immediate execution will become an important tool for economic reactivation for our country in the coming months and years.”
The project will last for two years, between July 2020 to June 2022, with a possible six-month extension.
Image courtesy of Mace