
Artist resurrects ancient Italian church using wire mesh

Italian artist Edoardo Tresoldi has recreated the structure of an 11th-century church using wire mesh.

The site of the original building, which was abandoned after earthquakes in the 13th century, is an archaeological park in the Puglia region of southeast Italy.

The wire outlines the shape of the basilica without obscuring the landscape behind, and is illuminated by spotlights at night.

Mesh figures are dotted around this ghostly vision of the original church.

Tresoldi worked with on the “Basilica di Siponto” with the help of MiBACT, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

Curator Simone Pallotta says: “The sculpture shows the volume of the church and, at the same time, is able to bring to life and update the relationship between the ancient and the contemporary.”

A member of Tresoldi’s team said: “The brief was the reconstruction of the basilica, but there is no certainty as to the structure and the size of it, so Edoardo had some freedom in the creative process.”

Construction took place over five months, but will remain in place indefinitely.

Images via Blind Eye Factory

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  1. How to rebuild in full conformity to the centuries old original, on the very same substructure, all in steel wire mesh in order to produce a completely see through fully detailed version of the original, as it is the very detailed rebuilt ghost of this long lost Basilica! What a stupendously great and original concept! Even though time has destroyed he has not only rebuilt it but ,via the see through effect, given the viewer the fullest possible appreciation of its architectural composition! Please,will someone give this man the highest rated medal for this truly great achievement!!

  2. Brilliant, just what you would expect from Italian creative genius

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