
Aecom, CPB and John Holland win $700m Melbourne metro contract

A team called the Rail Infrastructure Alliance (RIA) has won a US$700m contract from the Victorian state government for a package on the Melbourne Metro.

Earlier this year, RIA was announced as the preferred bidder for the 9km twin-bore tunnel, which is last major contract of the city’s Metro Tunnel scheme.

RIA consists of CPB Contractors, John Holland, Aecom, Rail Projects Victoria and Metro Trains Melbourne. CPB is the contracting subsidiary of CIMIC, which is ultimately owned by Spain’s ACS, and John Holland is owned by China Communications Construction Company. Another CIMIC company, UGL, owns 20% of Metro Trains Melbourne.

Some 1,000 people will work on the RIA package, including 100 apprentices, trainees and engineering cadets.

The RIA has started geotechnical investigations for the scheme, which will connect new-build stations at North Melbourne, Parkville, State Library, Town Hall and Anzac.

RIA will also add a platform to West Footscray station, as well as track enhancements near Hawksburn.

The entire development will be Victoria’s biggest public transport project and will cost $8bn in total.

Construction on the package is expected to commence in late 2018 and be completed in 2025.

Image courtesy of CIMIC

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