A US$860m tourism development has been approved for Hummock Hill, a largely untouched island on Australia’s northeast coast.
Cameron Dick, Queensland’s Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (Queensland Labor)
Queensland’s independent Coordinator-General has allowed the project to progress after Gladstone Regional Council rejected the proposal in June this year. Since then, 45 changes have been made to the plan.
The Gladstone region is currently in economic difficulty in the aftermath of a mining and construction boom, according to ABC.
The Hummock Hill development will create 190 construction jobs a year over 17 years, increase tourism and produce 700 ooperational jobs once construction is completed.
The project will include accommodation for 2,700 tourists and 1,200 residents.
It will also contain commercial and retail outlets, a cultural centre, an 18-hole golf course, and a bridge to the mainland.
Work on the project will be carried out by relatively unknown developer Eaton Place, according to the Queensland Government.
Cameron Dick (pictured), minister for state development, said: “We have stepped in, listened and acted for jobs and economic prosperity in the Gladstone region.”
Glenn Butcher, member for Gladstone, said: “This is a great outcome for the people of Gladstone – one which secures long-term jobs and more tourism dollars. We’re excited to maximise the potential of Hummock Hill Island, and to showcase our beautiful region to the rest of the world.”
Initial construction work is due to begin in 2020.