
14 international companies queue for $7bn Melbourne road

11 June 2013

Fourteen international contractors met with government officials last week to discuss a $7bn road project linking east and west Melbourne in Australia.

Bouygues and Spanish giant Cintra/Ferrovial were among around 80 firms attending the meeting, where transport minister for the State of Victoria, Terry Mulder, explained the procurement process.

A 2008 report identified the 18-km cross-city road connection as a critical infrastructure, reducing congestion, providing 3,000 jobs, and boosting economic growth.

Construction is expected to begin in late 2014 and to be complete by 2019. It will be financed as a Public Private Partnership.

The Victorian Government has committed $294m towards the East West Link project in this year’s Budget and hopes to recover part of the costs incurred on the project through the collection of toll charges in the long term.

Source: Herald Sun

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